Allan E. Seward Engineering Geology (AESEGI) was
founded by Allan Seward in 1978.
Since that time, the company has expanded
to provide both engineering geologic and
geotechnical engineering services and has
assembled a core staff of qualified
professionals with over 150 years of combined
experience in evaluating a wide range of
development projects.
AESEGI has worked with a diverse
clientele base, including private and publically
owned developers, governmental agencies, school
districts, Caltrans, municipal entities,
supervising civil engineers, architects, and
construction companies.
In this capacity, AESEGI has evaluated
residential developments ranging from single
lots up to large tracts, commercial/industrial
parcels, fire stations, hospitals, hotels,
medical buildings, shopping centers, schools,
water reclamation plants, water tanks,
pipelines, utility corridors, soil cement bank
protection, bridges and roads.
This firm can provide assistance at each stage
of development, from preliminary feasibility
assessments through construction.
At the feasibility stage, we provide
guidance and value engineering to optimize site
utilization and to minimize construction costs
related to geologic and geotechnical
We have extensive experience conducting
investigations and preparing reports addressing
plans at the Tentative Map, Grading Plan and
Building Plan stages in order to obtain agency
approval from a geological and geotechnical
This firm is also familiar with
preparation of geologic and geotechnical reports
for environmental impact studies.
Following agency approval, AESEGI is well
qualified to provide geologic and geotechnical
observation and testing services during
construction and associated in-grading reports
and final reports documenting the observed
geologic conditions, removal bottoms, compaction
of fill, base and asphalt, and installation of
subdrainage, retaining walls and piles.
It is our goal to provide practical and
realistic solutions to address a wide variety of
geologic and geotechnical constraints that can
impact development in the central and southern
California region.
This is accomplished through the use of
innovative measures reflecting current advances
in the industry and implementation of tried and
true measures developed over years of
Our combination of dedicated personnel,
integrity, team work, knowledge of local
conditions and regulatory review processes,
attention to detail, and aspiration for
excellence enables us to provide superior
service in today’s economic climate.
We look forward to the opportunity to be of
service on your current or future projects.
